NBR Seal / Metal Scraper

External seal with metal scraper, available for applications under harsh environments. Dustproof solution for milling machining, machinery processing , wood-working or other outdoor applications. It demonstrates high dust-proof ability to prevent contamination from fine dust, iron scrap or dirt.

1. Set block on the rail before installing external NBR seal.
2. Make sure rubber part is fitted in the sleeve. If rubber parts fall off, please set the sleeve to the
correspondent bore.
3. Overlap rubber part and metal scraper with the corresponding salient point and the bore. cpc logo must be facing outward.
4. Slide the external NBR seal into rail from two sides and closely connect with the block.
5. Fasten screw into the correspondence bore. Make sure the seal is centre aligned with the rail while fastening. Do not make metal scraper contact with guide rail.

Dimensions in mm.
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Designation Select all Compare Get quote Lead Time * W H T D1 D2 N1 S1 S2 N2 Ln t1 t2
Get quote 1 33 20.3 4 3.5 3.5 M3x0.35 25 10.2 M3x0.5 9 1 3
Get quote 1 41 22.5 4 3.5 3.5 M3x0.35 29 11.5 M3x0.5 9 1 3
Get quote 1 47 26.5 5.2 4.5 6.5 M4x0.5 36.5 13.5 M6x0.75 12 1.2 4
Get quote 1 58 34.2 6 4.5 6.5 M4x0.5 42.5 17.5 M6x0.75 12 1.5 4.5
Get quote 1 68 39.3 6 4.5 6.5 M4x0.5 50 20.5 M6x0.75 12 1.5 4.5
Get quote 2 84 49.6 6 4.5 10 M4x0.5 65 24.9 PT1/8 15 1.5 4.5
Get quote 2 98 57 6 5.5 6.5 M5x0.5 73 28 M6x0.75 16 1.5 4.5

*Green: Normally in stock, contact us for current status. Blue: Contact us for delivery time.